Sunday, May 28, 2006

The best surprise!!

Yesterday was a great day for me. For the last two three days, I could feel that my colleagues had been cooking something but could not have a hint about what was going on. I was really feeling strange and ousted of the group for no practical reason. And then came a surprise on the way yesterday evening, they started pulling me up to my so-called office canteen and I started getting the hint. A meager reflection of candle lights on the canteen’s door made me confident about what was going on. It was my BIRTHDAY cake with lit candles. And they succeeded to have connived to a foolproof plan to utterly surprise me. It was one of my best birthday celebrations and I really felt special and touched. I thank to Rajput, Bandan, Muthu, Jayakrishnan and Jinesh and everyone involved for making it so special and appreciate this gesture from my heart. Thank you guys :-).


Anonymous said...

And the pleasure is ours...long live Dushyant...


Anonymous said...

Right said Dushyant, surprises like these are really funny. They come when you least expect them :) and they bring joy and happiness with them without being asked for!